Thursday, October 16, 2008

One of my favorite teams - Janet Cardiff and Jorge Bures Miller. The image on the left is titled The Killing Machine, 2007, and on the right is The Secret Hotel, 2005. These artists seem to always use sound as a very important component of their works. * check out their website, these works both should be viewed from a variety of angles.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Diane Landry, lighthouse

Go to the link to see the video.

Ron Mueck
is an Australian hyperrealist sculptor working in Great Britain.
cool stuff

Monday, October 13, 2008

The name of this piece is Andy Warhol!
It is done by a guy named Charles Long. I found him at

The piece on the left is also by this dude and it paper!
Olafur Eliasson and Martin Boyce are also at this gallery's site. Check it out. The orange and blue piece is also by this dude and its paper! Lurve it

This guy's name is Tom Sachs and I find him kind of interesting. He works primarily in bronze but he appropriates pop culture icons (like Hello Kitty as seen) and it makes me it fine art?

I sometimes feel the same way about my work.